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白蛇傳 Story of the White Snake

十二生肖的故事 The Stories About Twelve Animals (Series)

Ning Tong Author
Peixuan Cheng Illustrator

赤兔神駒 Red Hair

十二生肖的故事 The Stories About Twelve Animals (Series)

Jianshing Geng Author
Peixuan Cheng Illustrator

雪兔婆婆 Snow Rabbit Grandma

十二生肖的故事 The Stories About Twelve Animals (Series)

Jianshing Geng Author
Peixuan Cheng Illustrator

一起玩 Playing Together

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Author
The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Illustrator

不是我的錯 It's not My Fault

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

Victoria Su Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

不能說謊喔! No Lying!

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Author
The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Illustrator

不要亂開玩笑 That's NOT Funny!

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

Victoria Su Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

不要逞強 Don't Try to be a Hero

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

Victoria Su Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

作業怎麼寫不完 Project that can...

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

Victoria Su Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

啊!打翻了 Oh! A Spill!

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Author
The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Illustrator

在家裡玩要小心 Having Fun Safely...

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

Victoria Su Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

小心火災 Watch Out for Fire!

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Author
The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Illustrator

我們都是好朋友 We are All Good Friends

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Author
The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Illustrator

我就是要買啦! I Just Have to Buy It!

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

Victoria Su Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

我終於會了 I've Finally Got It!

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

Victoria Su Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

撞車事件 The Car Crash

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Author
The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Illustrator

收不回的羽毛 The Unrecoverable Feather

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Author
The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Illustrator

欲速則不達 Haste Brings No Success

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Author
The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Illustrator

牙齒好痛喔 Toothache

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Author
The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Illustrator

眼睛好痛喔! Ouch! My eyes are so...

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

Victoria Su Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

說謊 A Big Lie

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

Victoria Su Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

阿飛生病了 Fred is Sick

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

Victoria Su Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

陌生來電 Call From a Stranger

我是好孩子生活教育系列 We are Good Kids (Series)

The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Author
The Editorial Department, Charng Jinn Illustrator

做中學、錯中學的萊特兄弟 The Wright...

大人物小故事系列 The Life Stories about Famous People (Series)

Jianshing Geng Author
Chenyu Liao Illustrator

天才發明家愛迪生 Edison the Creative...

大人物小故事系列 The Life Stories about Famous People (Series)

Jianshing Geng Author
Dunyu Chen Illustrator

尊重生命的史懷哲 The Humanist Schweitzer

大人物小故事系列 The Life Stories about Famous People (Series)

Jianshing Geng Author
Dunyu Chen Illustrator

樂之聖者貝多芬 Beethoven, Son of Music

大人物小故事系列 The Life Stories about Famous People (Series)

Jianshing Geng Author
Yahan Zhang Illustrator

永不放棄的海倫凱勒 Helen Keller Never...

大人物小故事系列 The Life Stories about Famous People (Series)

Jianshing Geng Author
Chenyu Liao Illustrator

理性救國的蔣渭水 Saving His Country...

大人物小故事系列 The Life Stories about Famous People (Series)

Jianshing Geng Author
Yahan Zhang Illustrator

白衣天使南丁格爾 The White Angel...

大人物小故事系列 The Life Stories about Famous People (Series)

Jianshing Geng Author
Chenyu Liao Illustrator

藝術奇才達文西 The Art Genius da Vinci

大人物小故事系列 The Life Stories about Famous People (Series)

Jianshing Geng Author
Yahan Zhang Illustrator

道德自覺的孔子 The Moral...

大人物小故事系列 The Life Stories about Famous People (Series)

Jianshing Geng Author
Chenyu Liao Illustrator

大鯨魚的小喉嚨 How the Whale Got His...

原來如此故事集 Just So Stories (Series)

Rudyard Kipling Author
Zhenghong Liu Illustrator

天秤座的故事 The Origin of Libra

不可不知的星座神話 The Mythology of the Constellations (Series)

Xiren Zhuang Author
Xiangwei Song Illustrator

天蠍座的故事 The Origin of Scorpio

不可不知的星座神話 The Mythology of the Constellations (Series)

Xiren Zhuang Author
Xiangwei Song Illustrator

射手座的故事 The Origin of Sagittarius

不可不知的星座神話 The Mythology of the Constellations (Series)

Xiren Zhuang Author
Xiangwei Song Illustrator

小王子 The Little Prince

Antoine de SaintExupery Author

巨蟹座的故事 The Origin of Cancer

不可不知的星座神話 The Mythology of the Constellations (Series)

Xiren Zhuang Author
Xiangwei Song Illustrator

日貓子與夜貓子 Day Cat & Night Cat

Shiyu Shen Author
Shiyu Shen Illustrator

魔羯座的故事 The Origin of Capricorn

不可不知的星座神話 The Mythology of the Constellations (Series)

Xiren Zhuang Author
Xiangwei Song Illustrator

國王的記憶力 (The King's Memory)

Andrea Li Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

十二個跳舞的公主 (The Twelve Dancing...

Yuxin Tsai Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

妖怪的舞會 (The Old Man Who Got...

Chientung Chen Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

戴斗笠的地藏菩薩 (Six Little Statues)

Chientung Chen Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

拇指姑娘 (Thumbelina)

Yuxin Tsai Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

沒有耳朵的芳 (Hoichi the Earless)

Chientung Chen Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

野天鵝 (The Wild Swans)

Yuxin Tsai Author
Pofeng Li Illustrator

黃帝大戰巨人蚩尤 (The War of Huangdi...

Lillian Sung Author
Pei-Yu Qiu Illustrator