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八十天环游地球(Around the World in...

[法]凡尔纳(Verne.J) Author
汤美君(Tang Meijun) Translator

依偎 (Cuddle)

丁捷 (Ding Jie) Author

傲慢与偏见(Pride and Prejudice)

[英]奥斯丁(Jane Austen) Author
汤美君(Tang Meijun) Translator

儒林外史(The Scholars)

吴敬梓 (Wu Jingzi) Author

吕梁英雄传 (The Lvliang Heroes)

马烽 (Ma fneg) Author
西戎 (Xi Rong) Author

呐喊彷徨故事新编丁聪插图本 (The Scream,...

鲁迅 (Lu Xun) Author
丁聪 (Ding Cong) Illustrator

哈克贝利·芬历险记(The Adventure of...

[美]马克·吐温(Twain,M.) Author

大学潜规则(Unspoken College Rules)

史生荣 (Shi Shengrong) Author

天火 (Fire from Heaven)

阿来 (A Lai) Author

太阳城 (The City of Sun)

廖东明 (Liao Dongming) Author

封神演义(Creation of the Gods)

(明)许仲琳 (Xu Zhonglin) Author

我住宝岛一村(I Live in The Village)

王伟忠 (Wang Weizhong) Author

我的名字叫爱情 (Call Me Love)

图兰朵 (Tu Landuo) Author

把日子过成段子 (Living Your Life in...

王小柔 (Wang Xiaorou) Author

杂牌军 (Miscellaneous Troops )

陈建波 (Chen Jianbo) Author

枯湖 (A Dry Lake)

汪泉 (Wang Quan) Author

沙盘 (Sand Table)

高剑 (Gao Jian) Author

湖南骡子(Hunan Mule)

何顿 (He Dun) Author

爱,是一切被爱的开始(Love Is the...

纸墨飞花 (Zhi Mofeihua) Author

理智与情感(Sense and Sensibility)

[英]奥斯丁(Jane Austen) Author
李元秀(Li Yuanxiu) Translator

生死十日谈 (Decameron of Life and...

孙惠芬 (Sun Huifang) Author

秋水伊人 (Good Woman Qiu Shui)

五天英 (Wu Tianying) Author

红昼(Red Daytime Sky)

赵雁 (Zhao Yan) Author

藏獒3 (Tibetan Mastiff III)

杨志军 (Yang Zhijun) Author

贫富天平(The Balance of Rich and...

邓宏顺 (Deng Hongshun) Author

越二越单纯(The Sillier, The Simpler)

王小柔 (Wang Xiaorou) Author

还是妖蛾子(Demon Moths, Still)

王小柔 (Wang Xiaorou) Author

都是妖蛾子(All Demon Moths)

王小柔 (Wang Xiaorou) Author

金粉世家(下) (A Family of...

张恨水 (Zhang Henshui) Author

钟鼓楼(Bell and Drum Tower)

刘心武 (Liu Xinwu) Author

世界上最美的小说 (The Most Beautiful...

贾志梅(Jia Zhimei) Author

冒险岛(Adeventure Island)

杜绿绿(Du Lvlv) Author

凤雨有路(There's a Road in Fengyu)

董永红(Dong Yonghong) Author


彦妮(Yan Ni) Author

午后的镜子 (Mirror in the Afternoon)

杨森君 (Yang Senjun) Author

反到笑了 (Unexpected Laughs)

西子绪(Xi Zixu) Author

塬上(On Plateau)

王佩飞(Wang Peifei) Author

山中 (In Mountain)

窦凤晓(Dou Fengxiao) Author


石舒清(Shi Shuqing) Author

水墨时光(Time of Water and Ink)

王江辉(Wang jianghui) Author
张安源(Zhang Anyuan) Author


李成恩(Li Chengen) Author

沐浴在县城(Being Bathed in County)

洛盏(Luo Zhan) Author

海原民间故事(Folk Story in Haiyuan)

王新林(Wang Xinlin) Arranger

激情岁月 (Days of Passion)

杨中其 (Yang Zhongqi) Author

烟华(Flowers in Mist)

许烟华(Xu Yanhua) Author

瓷片(Scraps of Porcelain)

黄晓(Huang Xiao) Author

芦苇岸诗选(Lu Weian's Poetry...

芦苇岸(Lu Weian) Author


本书编委会 (The editorial committee) Associated name