

Matthew McConaughey Author
Matthew McConaughey Narrator

Beyond the Grave

A Stranger World (Series)

Anita Croy Author
Diego Vaisberg Illustrator

The Untethered Soul

Michael A. Singer Author

Deadly Beast

A Stranger World (Series)

Anita Croy Author
Ludovic Salle Illustrator

Raising Good Humans

Hunter Clarke-Fields Author
Carla Naumburg Author of introduction, etc.

Think and Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill Author

The Secret

The Secret (Series)

Rhonda Byrne Author
Rhonda Byrne Narrator

How to Be an Adult in...

Shambhala (Series)

David Richo Author
David Richo Narrator


Anne Lamott Author

Becoming Supernatural

Dr. Joe Dispenza Author
Adam Boyce Narrator

When Things Fall Apart

Shambhala (Series)

Pema Chodron Author

Soul Boom

Rainn Wilson Author
Rainn Wilson Narrator

Big Magic

Elizabeth Gilbert Author

Practicing the Power of Now

Eckhart Tolle Author
Eckhart Tolle Narrator

Daring Greatly

Brené Brown Author


Katherine May Author
Rebecca Lee Narrator

The Creative Act

Rick Rubin Author
Rick Rubin Narrator


Paris Hilton Author
Paris Hilton Narrator

Be Useful

Arnold Schwarzenegger Author
Arnold Schwarzenegger Narrator

Don't Believe Everything You...

Joseph Nguyen Author

Raising Good Humans

Hunter Clarke Fields Author
Carla Naumburg Author


Anne Lamott Author
Anne Lamott Narrator

Taken from the Forest

A Stranger World (Series)

Anita Croy Author
Ludovic Salle Illustrator

The Gifts of Imperfection

Brené Brown Author

The Creative Act

Rick Rubin Author

Think Like a Monk

Jay Shetty Author
Jay Shetty Narrator

Breaking the Habit of Being...

Dr. Joe Dispenza Author

The Book of Joy

Dalai Lama Author
Desmond Tutu Author

Legendary Bigfoot

Lightning Bolt Books — Spooked! (Series)

Candice Ransom Author

Living Untethered

Michael A. Singer Author
Michael A. Singer Narrator

Daring Greatly

Brené Brown Author
Brené Brown Narrator

Mere Christianity

C. S. Lewis Author
Geoffrey Howard Narrator

Big Magic

Elizabeth Gilbert Author
Elizabeth Gilbert Narrator

You Could Make This Place...

Maggie Smith Author
Maggie Smith Narrator

10% Happier

Dan Harris Author
Dan Harris Narrator

The Artist's Way

Artist's Way (Series)

Julia Cameron Author


Matthew McConaughey Author

The Things You Can See Only...

Haemin Sunim Author
Chi-Young Kim Translator

Open Book

Jessica Simpson Author
Jessica Simpson Narrator


Paris Hilton Author

Nonviolent Communication

Marshall Rosenberg, PhD Author

The Way of Integrity

Martha Beck Author
Martha Beck Narrator

Breaking the Habit of Being...

Dr. Joe Dispenza Author
Adam Boyce Narrator

How to Change Your Mind

Michael Pollan Author
Michael Pollan Narrator

Becoming Supernatural

Dr. Joe Dispenza Author
Gregg Braden Author of introduction, etc.

Back from the Dead

A Stranger World (Series)

Anita Croy Author
Diego Vaisberg Illustrator

Mountain Attack

A Stranger World (Series)

Anita Croy Author
Diego Vaisberg Illustrator

An Angry Spirit

A Stranger World (Series)

Anita Croy Author
Ludovic Salle Illustrator