Little One-Inch & Other...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Florence Sakade Author
Yoshisuke Kurosaki Illustrator

Kintaro's Adventures & Other...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Florence Sakade Author
Yoshio Hayashi Illustrator

Peach Boy and Other Japanese...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Florence Sakade Author
Yoshisuke Kurosaki Illustrator

Urashima Taro and Other...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Florence Sakade Author
Yoshio Hayashi Illustrator

Balinese Children's Favorite...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Victor Mason Author
Trina Bohan-Tyrie Illustrator

Chinese Children's Favorite...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Mingmei Yip Author
Mingmei Yip Illustrator

Favorite Children's Stories...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Lotta Carswell-Hume Author
Koon-Chiu Lo Illustrator

Filipino Children's Favorite...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Liana Romulo Author
Joanne De Leon Illustrator

Indonesian Children's...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Joan Suyenaga Author
Salim Martowiredjo Illustrator

Korean Children's Favorite...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Kim So-Un Author
Jeong Kyoung-Sim Illustrator

Asian Children's Favorite...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

David Conger Author
Patrick Yee Illustrator

Indian Children's Favorite...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Rosemarie Somaiah Author
Ranjan Somaiah Illustrator

Japanese Children's Favorite...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Florence Sakade Author
Yoshisuke Kurosaki Illustrator

Japanese Children's Favorite...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Florence Sakade Author
Yoshio Hayashi Illustrator

Malaysian Children's...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Kay Lyons Author
Martin Loh Illustrator

Singapore Children's Favorite...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Diane Taylor Author
L. K. Tay-Audouard Illustrator

Chicken Little

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

M. J. York Author
Teri Weidner Illustrator

The Little Red Hen

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

M. J. York Author
Laura Freeman Illustrator

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

M. J. York Author
Molly Idle Illustrator

The Three Little Pigs

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

M. J. York Author
Laura Ferraro Close Illustrator

Vietnamese Children's...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Phuoc Thi Minh Tran Author
Dong Nguyen Illustrator

Asian Children's Favorite...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

David Conger Author
Patrick Yee Illustrator

Thai Children's Favorite Stories

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Marian D. Toth Author
Patcharee Meesukhon Illustrator

Chinese Children's Favorite...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Mingmei Yip Author

Burmese Children's Favorite...

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

Pascal Khoo Thwe Author
Maeve Bates Illustrator

Chicken Little

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

M. J. York Author
Teri Weidner Illustrator

The Little Red Hen

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

M. J. York Author
Laura Freeman Illustrator

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

M. J. York Author
Molly Idle Illustrator

The Three Little Pigs

Favorite Children's Stories (Series)

M. J. York Author
Laura Ferraro Close Illustrator