Hielo (Ice)

The Weather Forecast (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Pablo de la Vega Translator

Bombero (Firefighter)

People I Meet (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Pablo de la Vega Translator

Arroyos (Streams)

Bodies of Water (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Pablo de la Vega Translator

Formas (Shapes)

Fun with Math (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Pablo de la Vega Translator

El lugar de las decenas (The...

Fun with Math (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Pablo de la Vega Translator

Contar números (Counting)

Fun with Math (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Pablo de la Vega Translator

Estanques (Ponds)

Bodies of Water (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Pablo de la Vega Translator

Doctor (Doctor)

People I Meet (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Pablo de la Vega Translator

Canales (Canals)

Bodies of Water (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Pablo de la Vega Translator


Fun with Math (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Amy Culliford Narrator

Additionner (Adding)

Fun with Math (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator


Bodies of Water (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Amy Culliford Narrator

Compter (Counting)

Fun with Math (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator


Fun with Math (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Amy Culliford Narrator

Delivery Person

People I Meet (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Amy Culliford Narrator


People I Meet (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Amy Culliford Narrator

Doctor / Doctor

People I Meet (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Pablo de la Vega Translator

Doktè (Doctor)

People I Meet (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Jean-Pierre Gaston Translator


People I Meet (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Amy Culliford Narrator


The Weather Forecast (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Amy Culliford Narrator


The Weather Forecast (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Amy Culliford Narrator

Inclined Planes Are Machines

Simple Machines (Series)

Douglas Bender Author

La glace (Ice)

The Weather Forecast (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

La neige (Snow)

The Weather Forecast (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

La pluie (Rain)

The Weather Forecast (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

La position des dizaines (The...

Fun with Math (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

Lagos (Lakes)

Bodies of Water (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Pablo de la Vega Translator


Bodies of Water (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Amy Culliford Narrator

Las cuñas son máquinas...

Simple Machines (Series)

Douglas Bender Author

Las palancas son máquinas...

Simple Machines (Series)

Douglas Bender Author

Las poleas son máquinas...

Simple Machines (Series)

Douglas Bender Author

Las ruedas y los ejes son...

Simple Machines (Series)

Douglas Bender Author

Le brouillard (Fog)

The Weather Forecast (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

Le vent (Wind)

The Weather Forecast (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

Les canaux (Canals)

Bodies of Water (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

Les chiffres (Numbers)

Fun with Math (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

Les éclairs (Lightning)

The Weather Forecast (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

Les enseignants (Teacher)

People I Meet (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

Les étangs (Ponds)

Bodies of Water (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

Les formes (Shapes)

Fun with Math (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

Les lacs (Lakes)

Bodies of Water (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

Les livreurs (Delivery Person)

People I Meet (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

Les médecins (Doctor)

People I Meet (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

Les océans (Oceans)

Bodies of Water (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

Les policiers (Police Officer)

People I Meet (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Annie Evearts Translator

Doktè (Doctor)

Moun Mwen Rankontre Yo (People I Meet) (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Jean-Pierre Gaston Translator


Moun Mwen Rankontre Yo (People I Meet) (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Jean-Pierre Gaston Translator


Moun Mwen Rankontre Yo (People I Meet) (Series)

Douglas Bender Author
Jean-Pierre Gaston Translator