Murder Mysteries for the...

Arthur Conan Doyle Author
G. K. Chesterton Author

The Greatest Christmas Murder...

Arthur Conan Doyle Author
G. K. Chesterton Author

Halloween Boxed Set

Edgar Allan Poe Author
H. P. Lovecraft Author

The Best Holiday Mysteries...

Edgar Wallace Author
Arthur Conan Doyle Author

Halloween Mysteries

Edgar Allan Poe Author
Arthur Conan Doyle Author

Pumpkins' Glow

H. P. Lovecraft Author
Mary Shelley Author

Supernatural Mysteries

Théophile Gautier Author
Edgar Allan Poe Author

Dark Christmas Collection

Thomas Hardy Author
Robert Louis Stevenson Author

The Horror of Christmas

Robert Louis Stevenson Author
Arthur Conan Doyle Author

The Darkness of a Christmas Eve

Robert Louis Stevenson Author
Arthur Conan Doyle Author