A Guide to Philosophy in Six...

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Witold Gombrowicz Author
Benjamin Ivry Translator


The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Claudio Magris Author


The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

David Albahari Author
Ellen Elias-Bursac Translator

Masters and Servants

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Pierre Michon Author
Wyatt Mason Translator


The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Gabriele D'annunzio Author
Stephen Sartarelli Translator


The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Giacomo Leopardi Author
Tim Parks Translator

Rimbaud the Son

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Pierre Michon Author
Jody Gladding Translator


The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Rodrigo Rey Rosa Author
Chris Andrews Translator

The African Shore

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Rodrigo Rey Rosa Author
Jeffrey Gray Translator

The Girl with the Golden Parasol

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Uday Prakash Author
Jason Grunebaum Translator

The Hooligan's Return

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Norman Manea Author
Angela Jianu Translator

The Ingenious Gentleman and...

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Carlos Rojas Author
Edith Grossman Translator

The Last Lover

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Annelise Finegan Wasmoen Translator
Can Xue Author

The Origin of the World

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Pierre Michon Author
Wyatt Mason Translator


The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Danuta Borchardt Translator
Witold Gombrowicz Author

Walpurgis Night, or the Steps...

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Venedikt Erofeev Author
Marian Schwartz Translator

Winter Mythologies and Abbots

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Pierre Michon Author
Ann Jefferson Translator


The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Witold Gombrowicz Author
Lillian Vallee Translator

Suspended Sentences

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Patrick Modiano Author
Mark Polizzotti Translator

Anna Karenina

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Leo Tolstoy Author
Marian Schwartz Translator

The Dirty Dust

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Máirtín Ó Cadhain Author
Alan Titley Translator

Please Talk to Me

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Liliana Heker Author
Alberto Manguel Translator

The Book of Beginnings

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

François Jullien Author
Jody Gladding Translator


The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Patrick Modiano Author
Mark Polizzotti Author

After the Circus

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Patrick Modiano Author
Mark Polizzotti Translator

Paris Nocturne

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Patrick Modiano Author
Phoebe Weston-Evans Translator

The Roar of Morning

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Tip Marugg Author
Paul Vincent Translator

The Walnut Mansion

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Miljenko Jergovic Author
Stephen M. Dickey Translator

The Last Days of Mankind

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Karl Kraus Author
Fred Bridgham Translator

Love Letter in Cuneiform

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Tomáš Zmeškal Author
Alex Zucker Translator

Graveyard Clay

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Máirtín Ó Cadhain Author
Liam Mac Con Iomaire Translator

The Hatred of Music

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Pascal Quignard Author
Matthew Amos Translator


The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Laszlo F. Foldenyi Author
Tim Wilkinson Translator

France, Story of a Childhood

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Zahia Rahmani Author
Lara Vergnaud Translator


The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Thanassis Valtinos Author
Jane Assimakopoulos Translator

Little Jewel

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Patrick Modiano Author
Penny Hueston Translator

At Twilight They Return

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Zyranna Zateli Author
David Connolly Translator

Exemplary Novels

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Miguel De Cervantes Author
Edith Grossman Translator

The Mountains of Parnassus

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Czeslaw Milosz Author
Stanley Bill Translator


The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Book 2

Michel Leiris Author
Lydia Davis Translator


The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Book 3

Michel Leiris Author
Lydia Davis Translator


The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Claudio Magris Author
Anne Milano Appel Translator

Such Fine Boys

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Patrick Modiano Author
Mark Polizzotti Translator

Sundays in August

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Patrick Modiano Author
Damion Searls Translator

The Influence Peddlers

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Hédi Kaddour Author
Teresa Lavender Fagan Translator

The Book of Whispers

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Varujan Vosganian Author
Alistair Ian Blyth Translator


The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Claudio Magris Author
Anne Milano Appel Translator

Frail Riffs

The Margellos World Republic of Letters (Series)

Book 4

Michel Leiris Author
Richard Sieburth Translator