Being and Truth

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
Gregory Fried Translator

Bremen and Freiburg Lectures

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
Andrew J. Mitchell Translator

The Origin of the Logic of...

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Burt C. Hopkins Author


Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Donatella Di Cesare Author
Niall Keane Translator

The Community of Those Who...

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Alphonso Lingis Author

Heidegger in France

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Dominique Janicaud Author
François Raffoul Translator

Ponderings II–VI

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
Richard Rojcewicz Translator

Derrida and Our Animal Others

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

David Farrell Krell Author

History of the Concept of Time

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
Theodore Kisiel Translator

Nietzsche and Phenomenology

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Élodie Boublil Editor
Christine Daigle Editor

Plato's Laws

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Gregory Recco Editor
Eric Sanday Editor

The Beginning of Western...

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
Richard Rojcewicz Translator

Play as Symbol of the World

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Eugen Fink Author
Ian Alexander Moore Translator

Ponderings VII–XI

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
Richard Rojcewicz Translator

Aesthetics as Phenomenology

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Günter Figal Author
Jerome Veith Translator

Language after Heidegger

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Krzysztof Ziarek Author

Plato's Cratylus

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

S. Montgomery Ewegen Author


Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Edward S. Casey Author

Daimon Life

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

David Farrell Krell Author

Force of Imagination

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

John Sallis Author

Between Word and Image

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Dennis J. Schmidt Author

Contributions to Philosophy

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
Richard Rojcewicz Translator

Country Path Conversations

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
Bret W. Davis Translator

Early Twentieth-Century...

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Leonard Lawlor Author

Four Seminars

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
Andrew Mitchell Translator


Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
Thomas Sheehan Translator

The Event

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
Richard Rojcewicz Editor

The Life of Understanding

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

James Risser Author

The Phenomenology of...

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
Matthias Fritsch Translator

The Rigor of a Certain...

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

John Llewelyn Author

Basic Concepts of...

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
Robert D. Metcalf Translator

Derrida and the Inheritance...

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Samir Haddad Author

Gadamer and the Transmission...

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Jerome Veith Author

Heidegger and Language

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Jeffrey Powell Editor
Daniel O. Dahlstrom Contributor

Light Traces

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

John Sallis Author
Alejandro A. Vallega Illustrator

Logic of Imagination

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

John Sallis Author

Plato on the Limits of Human...

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Sara Brill Author

Plato's Animals

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Jeremy Bell Editor
Michael Naas Editor

Ontology—The Hermeneutics of...

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
John van Buren Translator


Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
Joseph Arel Translator

The History of Beyng

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
William McNeill Translator

Hölderlin's Hymns

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
William McNeill Translator

Interpretation of Nietzsche's...

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Martin Heidegger Author
Ullrich Haase Translator

The Figure of Nature

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

John Sallis Author

The Return of Nature

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

John Sallis Author

The Lives of Things

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Charles E. Scott Author

Thinking through French...

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

Leonard Lawlor Author

Shades—Of Painting at the Limit

Studies in Continental Thought (Series)

John Sallis Author