Armies of the Irish Rebellion...

Men-at-Arms (Series)

Stuart Reid Author
Gerry Embleton Illustrator

Armies of the East India...

Men-at-Arms (Series)

Stuart Reid Author
Gerry Embleton Illustrator

Queen Victoria's Highlanders

Men-at-Arms (Series)

Stuart Reid Author
Gerry Embleton Illustrator

Jagdgeschwader 27 'Afrika'

Men-at-Arms (Series)

Stuart Reid Author
Richard Hook Illustrator

Cumberland's Culloden Army...

Men-at-Arms (Series)

Stuart Reid Author
Gerry Embleton Illustrator

Scots Armies of the English...

Men-at-Arms (Series)

Stuart Reid Author
Graham Turner Illustrator

Nimitz-Class Aircraft Carriers

Men-at-Arms (Series)

Stuart Reid Author
Gerry Embleton Illustrator

Queen Victoria's Highlanders

Men-at-Arms (Series)

Stuart Reid Author
Gerry Embleton Illustrator

Scots Armies of the English...

Men-at-Arms (Series)

Stuart Reid Author
Graham Turner Illustrator