Apologie des Sokrates

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Otto Platon Author
Kurt Schily Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Jenseits von Afrika

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Tania Blixen Author
Gisela Perlet Translator


Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Gerd Leetz Translator
Bruno Leder Translator

Vernunft und Gefühl

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Jane Austen Author
Denis Scheck Author of afterword, colophon, etc.


Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Sinclair Lewis Author
Michael Köhlmeier Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Drei Mann in einem Boot. Ganz...

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Jerome K. Jerome Author
Harald Martenstein Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Gullivers Reisen

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Jonathan Swift Author
Dieter Mehl Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Drei Mann in einem Boot. Ganz...

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Jerome K. Jerome Author
Gisbert Haefs Translator

Das babylonische Wörterbuch

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis Author
Manfred Pfister Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Das Schloss

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Franz Kafka Author
Norbert Gstrein Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Main Street

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Sinclair Lewis Author
Heinrich Steinfest Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Thomas der Schwindler

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Jean Cocteau Author
Iris Radisch Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Das Adelsgut

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Iwan Turgenjew Author
Michail Schischkin Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Der Winter unseres...

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

John Steinbeck Author
Ingo Schulze Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Fliegen, tanzen, wirbeln, beben

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Katherine Mansfield Author
Dörte Hansen Author of afterword, colophon, etc.


Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Thomas Morus Author
Peter Sloterdijk Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Daphnis und Chloe

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Kurt Longos Author

Dao De Jing

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Lao Zi Author
Michael Hammes Author of afterword, colophon, etc.


Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

James Joyce Author
Ijoma Mangold Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Über die Kunst, ein Gentleman...

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Earl of Chesterfield Author
Eva Gesine Baur Author of afterword, colophon, etc.


Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Henry D. Thoreau Author
Susanne Ostwald Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Die Geschichte einer...

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Olive Schreiner Author
Doris Lessing Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Lebensläufe der berühmtesten...

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Giorgio Vasari Author
Robert Steiner Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Der gewendete Tag

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Marcel Proust Author
Christina Viragh Translator

Schilf im Wind

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Grazia Deledda Author
Federico Hindermann Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Aufzeichnungen aus dem...

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Fjodor M. Dostojewski Author
Ursula Keller Translator

Die Erzählungen des Folio Club

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Edgar Allan Poe Author
Rainer Bunz Editor

Ich und Jimmy

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Clarice Lispector Author
Teresa Präauer Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Mrs. Dalloway

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Virginia Woolf Author
Vea Kaiser Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Charlotte Löwensköld

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Selma Lagerlöf Author
Mareike Fallwickl Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Die Gartenparty

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Katherine Mansfield Author
Irma Wehrli Translator


Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Michel de Montaigne Author
Herbert Lüthy Author of introduction, etc.

Lucy Gayheart

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Willa Cather Author
Alexa Hennig von Lange Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Appius und Virginia

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

G. E. Trevelyan Author
Ann Cotten Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

Ein Yankee aus Connecticut am...

Manesse Bibliothek (Series)

Mark Twain Author
Philipp Haibach Author of afterword, colophon, etc.