The Real Story on the Weapons...

Life in the American Colonies (Series)

Samuel Hoff Other
Kristine Carlson Asselin Author

The Scoop on School and Work...

Life in the American Colonies (Series)

Bonnie Hinman Author
Samuel Hoff Other

The Dish on Food and Farming...

Life in the American Colonies (Series)

Anika Fajardo Author

The Real Story About...

Life in the American Colonies (Series)

Kristine Carlson Asselin Author

The Scoop on Clothes, Homes,...

Life in the American Colonies (Series)

Elizabeth Raum Author

The Scoop on School and Work...

Life in the American Colonies (Series)

Bonnie Hinman Author
Anonymous Narrator

The Cold, Hard Facts About...

Life in the American Colonies (Series)

Elizabeth Raum Author

The Cold, Hard Facts About...

Life in the American Colonies (Series)

Elizabeth Raum Author