Shackleton and the Lost...

Disasters in History (Series)

Dave Hoover Illustrator
Charles Barnett III Illustrator

The Apollo 13 Mission

Disasters in History (Series)

Keith Tucker Illustrator
Donald B. Lemke Author

The Attack on Pearl Harbor

Disasters in History (Series)

Jane Sutcliffe Author
Bob Lentz Illustrator

The Challenger Explosion

Disasters in History (Series)

Heather Adamson Author
Brian Bascle Illustrator

The Donner Party

Disasters in History (Series)

Ron Frenz Illustrator
Charles Barnett III Illustrator

The Great Chicago Fire of 1871

Disasters in History (Series)

Phil Miller Illustrator
Charles Barnett III Illustrator

The Hindenburg Disaster

Disasters in History (Series)

Matt Doeden Author
Steve Erwin Illustrator

The Triangle Shirtwaist...

Disasters in History (Series)

Jessica Gunderson Author
Phil Miller Illustrator

The 1918 Flu Pandemic

Disasters in History (Series)

Katherine Krohn Author

The Great San Francisco...

Disasters in History (Series)

Michael Burgan Author

The Schoolchildren's Blizzard

Disasters in History (Series)

Donald B. Lemke Author

Shackleton and the Lost...

Disasters in History (Series)

Anonymous Narrator
Dave Hoover Illustrator

The 1918 Flu Pandemic

Disasters in History (Series)

Katherine Krohn Author
Anonymous Narrator

The Apollo 13 Mission

Disasters in History (Series)

Anonymous Narrator
Keith Tucker Illustrator

The Attack on Pearl Harbor

Disasters in History (Series)

Jane Sutcliffe Author
Anonymous Narrator

The Challenger Explosion

Disasters in History (Series)

Heather Adamson Author
Anonymous Narrator

The Donner Party

Disasters in History (Series)

Anonymous Narrator
Ron Frenz Illustrator

The Great Chicago Fire of 1871

Disasters in History (Series)

Anonymous Narrator
Phil Miller Illustrator

The Great San Francisco...

Disasters in History (Series)

Michael Burgan Author
Anonymous Narrator

The Hindenburg Disaster

Disasters in History (Series)

Matt Doeden Author
Anonymous Narrator

The Schoolchildren's Blizzard

Disasters in History (Series)

Anonymous Narrator
Donald B. Lemke Author

The Triangle Shirtwaist...

Disasters in History (Series)

Jessica Gunderson Author
Anonymous Narrator

Shackleton and the Lost...

Disasters in History (Series)

Dave Hoover Illustrator
Charles Barnett III Illustrator

The 1918 Flu Pandemic

Disasters in History (Series)

Katherine Krohn Author

The Triangle Shirtwaist...

Disasters in History (Series)

Jessica Gunderson Author
Phil Miller Illustrator

The Attack on Pearl Harbor

Disasters in History (Series)

Jane Sutcliffe Author
Bob Lentz Illustrator

The Challenger Explosion

Disasters in History (Series)

Heather Adamson Author
Brian Bascle Illustrator

The Donner Party

Disasters in History (Series)

Ron Frenz Illustrator
Charles Barnett III Illustrator

The Great Chicago Fire of 1871

Disasters in History (Series)

Phil Miller Illustrator
Charles Barnett III Illustrator

The Great San Francisco...

Disasters in History (Series)

Michael Burgan Author

The Hindenburg Disaster

Disasters in History (Series)

Matt Doeden Author
Steve Erwin Illustrator

The Schoolchildren's Blizzard

Disasters in History (Series)

Donald B. Lemke Author

The Apollo 13 Mission

Disasters in History (Series)

Keith Tucker Illustrator
Donald B. Lemke Author