Cappuccinos, Cupcakes, and a...

Cape Bay Cafe Mystery (Series)

Harper Lin Author
Marguerite Gavin Narrator

Tea, Tiramisu, and Tough Guys

Cape Bay Cafe Mystery (Series)

Harper Lin Author
Marguerite Gavin Narrator

Margaritas, Marzipan, and Murder

Cape Bay Cafe Mystery (Series)

Harper Lin Author
Marguerite Gavin Narrator

Lattes, Ladyfingers, and Lies

Cape Bay Cafe Mystery (Series)

Harper Lin Author
Marguerite Gavin Narrator

Americanos, Apple Pies, and...

Cape Bay Cafe Mystery (Series)

Harper Lin Author
Marguerite Gavin Narrator

Cremas, Christmas Cookies,...

Cape Bay Cafe Mystery (Series)

Harper Lin Author
Marguerite Gavin Narrator

Espressos, Eggnogs, and Evil...

Cape Bay Cafe Mystery (Series)

Harper Lin Author
Marguerite Gavin Narrator

Double Shots, Donuts, and...

Cape Bay Cafe Mystery (Series)

Harper Lin Author
Marguerite Gavin Narrator

Macchiatos, Macarons, and Malice

Cape Bay Cafe Mystery (Series)

Harper Lin Author
Marguerite Gavin Narrator