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El Llibre de la Pols. La...

The Book of Dust (Series)

Philip Pullman Author
Alexandre Gombau Armau Translator

Atreveix-te a enamorar-te

Estelle Maskame Author
Alexandre Gombau Armau Translator

Supermalsons. Dins el retrat...

Supermalsons (Series)

Jeff Creepy Author
Alexandre Gombau Armau Translator

Un fet absolutament...

The Carls (Series)

Hank Green Author
Alexandre Gombau Armau Translator

Balada d'ocells i serps

The Hunger Games (Series)

Suzanne Collins Author
Alexandre Gombau Armau Translator

Sol de mitjanit

The Twilight Saga (Series)

Stephenie Meyer Author
Alexandre Gombau Armau Translator

Històries de nit

L' illa del temps (Series)

J.A. White Author
Alexandre Gombau Armau Translator

Tots dos moren al final

They Both Die at the End (Series)

Adam Silvera Author
Alexandre Gombau Armau Translator