Abraham Lincoln and the...

David Hirsch Author
Dan Van Haften Author

The Battle of Monroe's...

Eric J. Wittenberg Author
Mark Bradley Author of introduction, etc.

Champion Hill

Timothy B. Smith Author
Terrence J. Winschiel Author of introduction, etc.

Confessions of a Military Wife

Mollie Gross Author

Failure in the Saddle

David A. Powell Author

Flying Drunk

Joseph Balzer Author

A Guide to the Battles of the...

Theodore P. Savas Author
J. David Dameron Author

The Guns of Independence

Jerome A. Greene Author

Hey Buddy

Gary W. Moore Author

Hunt and Kill

Theodore P. Savas Editor

Indian War Veterans

Jerome A. Greene Author

The Maps of Gettysburg

Bradley M. Gottfried Author

The Maryland Campaign of...

Ezra Carman Author
Thomas G. Clemens Editor


Daniel J. Brush Author
David Horne Author

The New American Revolution...

Savas Beatie Handbook Series

Theodore P. Savas Author
J. David Dameron Author

The New Civil War Handbook

Mark Hughes Author

New Dawn

Richard S. Lowry Author

Once a Marine

Nick Popaditch Author
Mike Steere Author

One Continuous Fight

Eric J Wittenberg Author
J. David Petruzzi Author

Penn State Football

Daniel J. Brush Author
David Horne Author

Playing with the Enemy

Gary W. Moore Author
Jim Morris Author of introduction, etc.

Plenty of Blame to go Around

Eric J. Wittenberg Author
J. David Petruzzi Author

The Quest for the Lost Roman...

Tony Clunn Author

Rashness of That Hour

Robert Wynstra Author


John Luzader Author

Shiloh and the Western...

O. Edward Cunningham Author
Gary D. Joiner Editor

Sickles at Gettysburg

James A. Hessler Author

Steel Boat, Iron Hearts

Hans Goebeler Author
John Vanzo Author

Those Damned Black Hats

Lance J. Herdegen Author

The Unpopular Mr. Lincoln

Larry Tagg Author

US Army's First, Last, and...

Edward L. Posey Author

Wars against Napoleon

Michel Franceschi Author
Ben Weider Author

Flames Beyond Gettysburg

Scott L. Mingus Author

Gettysburg's Forgotten...

Eric J. Wittenberg Author

National Guard 101

Mary Corbett Author


Robert Taylor Author

The Maps of Antietam

Bradley M. Gottfried Author

A History of the 4th...

Michael J. Martin Author

The Ultimate ROTC Guidebook

David Atkinson Author

Simply Murder

Emerging Civil War (Series)

Book 1862

Chris Mackowski Author
Kristopher D. White Author

Divided Loyalties

James W. Finck Author
William C. Davis Author of introduction, etc.

Silent Hunters

Theodore P. Savas Editor


Michael C. Harris Author

Richmond Redeemed

Richard J. Sommers Author

The Chickamauga Campaign

David A. Powell Author

The Last Citadel

Noah Andre Trudeau Author

The Final Service

Gary W. Moore Author

Lincoln's Greatest Journey

Noah Andre Trudeau Author

The Three Battles of Sand Creek

Gregory Michno Author

Foxtrot in Kandahar

Duane Evans Author