Die verlorene Schöpfung

Genesis (Series)

Thariot Author
Tim Gössler Narrator

Kinder der 1000 Meere

Nomads (Series)

Thariot Author
Tim Gössler Narrator

Verrat--Clone Rebellion, Band...

Clone Rebellion (Series)

Steven L. Kent Author
Matthias Lühn Narrator

Soever Say Soever--Never Say...

Yuna Drake Author
Daria Bachmann Narrator

Der Fremde am Strand

Lisa Jewell Author
Sandrine Mittelstädt Narrator

Das U-Boot

Hans Leister Author
Rebecca Veil Narrator

Nichts ist, wie es...

Joelle Charbonneau Author
Marie Bierstedt Narrator

Was damals geschah

The Family (Series)

Lisa Jewell Author
Sandrine Mittelstädt Narrator

Der Lehrling des...

Greg Walters Author
Robert Frank Narrator

The Watchers--Wissen kann...

John Marrs Author
Uve Teschner Narrator

Der 21. Juli (ungekürzt)

Christian von Ditfurth Author
Uve Teschner Narrator

2227 Extinction

Thariot Author
Matthias Lühn Narrator

Republik--Clone Rebellion,...

Steven L. Kent Author
Matthias Lühn Narrator

Tage des Aufbruchs--Solarian,...

Thariot Author
Matthias Lühn Narrator

Der Zwillingseffekt

Tal M. Klein Author
Stefan Lehnen Narrator

Queen of Weapons

Jo D. Shannon Author
Valérie D'Arcy Author

Abtrünnig--Clone Rebellion,...

Steven L. Kent Author
Matthias Lühn Narrator

The Violence--Wie weit wirst...

Delilah S. Dawson Author
Rebecca Veil Narrator

Selve--Zerrissene Leben

Melanie Bottke Author
Marco Sven Reinbold Narrator

Tage der Asche--Solarian, Band 2

Thariot Author
Matthias Lühn Narrator

Allianz--Clone Rebellion, Band 3

Steven L. Kent Author
Matthias Lühn Narrator

AI Apocalypse

Singularity (Series)

William Hertling Author
Markus Andreas Klauk Narrator

Die Geschundenen--Anno...

Anno Initium (Series)

Dinko Skopljak Author
Uve Teschner Narrator

Schlafe nicht

Insomnia (Series)

Thariot Author
Tim Gössler Narrator


The Red (Series)

Linda Nagata Author
Matthias Lühn Narrator

Die rote Jägerin

Antonia Scott (Series)

Juan Gómez-Jurado Author
Sandrine Mittelstädt Narrator

Dein kaltes Herz (ungekürzt)

Sharon Bolton Author
Rebecca Veil Narrator

Die Scharfrichter--Tim...

Tim Rackley (Series)

Gregg Hurwitz Author
Stefan Lehnen Narrator

Empty Your Mind--Die...

Bruce Lee Author
Stefan Lehnen Narrator

Tage der Stille--Solarian,...

Solarian (Series)

Thariot Author
Matthias Lühn Narrator

Der Meister des Todes

Florence Lovelady (Series)

Sharon Bolton Author
Rebecca Veil Narrator

Elite--Clone Rebellion, Band...

Clone Rebellion (Series)

Steven L. Kent Author
Matthias Lühn Narrator

Kinder der 1000 Sonnen

Nomads (Series)

Thariot Author
Tim Gössler Narrator

Der Gejagte--Treadstone, Band...

Treadstone (Series)

Robert Ludlum Author
Joshua Hood Author

Immortal--Sterbe nicht

Insomnia (Series)

Thariot Author
Tim Gössler Narrator

Verloren Wasser. Das...

Rolf Sakulowski Author
Tim Gössler Narrator

Der Klon (ungekürzt)

Jens Lubbadeh Author
Uve Teschner Narrator

Der Schatten des...

Florence Lovelady (Series)

Sharon Bolton Author
Rebecca Veil Narrator

Die Geister von New York...

Craig Schaefer Author
Tim Gössler Narrator

Ich.Lebe.--Hamburg Sequence,...

Hamburg Sequence (Series)

Thariot Author
Robert Frank Narrator

Oder sie stirbt (ungekürzt)

Gregg Hurwitz Author
Stefan Lehnen Narrator


Conn Iggulden Author
David Nathan Narrator

Das Gift des Bösen--Florence...

Florence Lovelady (Series)

Sharon Bolton Author
Rebecca Veil Narrator

Die Sekte--Illusion der...

Tim Rackley (Series)

Gregg Hurwitz Author
Stefan Lehnen Narrator

Im Visier des Mörders--Sie...

Sharon Bolton Author
Rebecca Veil Narrator

Liebe mich, töte mich...

Jennifer Hillier Author
Rebecca Veil Narrator

Tage der Rache--Solarian,...

Solarian (Series)

Thariot Author
Matthias Lühn Narrator

Ich.Liebe.--Hamburg Sequence,...

Hamburg Sequence (Series)

Thariot Author
Robert Frank Narrator

Beste Freunde--Pass auf, was...

Sharon Bolton Author
Rebecca Veil Narrator

Die schwarze Wölfin

Antonia Scott (Series)

Juan Gómez-Jurado Author
Sandrine Mittelstädt Narrator