Something Old

Cornwall Brides (Series)

Rebecca Connolly Author


Patrick Morgan Author


Patrick Morgan Author

The Ears Have It

Agents of the Convent, Book Two (Series)

Rebecca Connolly Author

Terry Goes to School

The Adventures of Terry Pterodactyl, Book 1 (Series)

Nana Ferrell Author

Hope's Last Refuge

Patrick Morgan Author

The Case of the Stolen Star

Jingle Bell Mystery (Series)

Nana Ferrell Author

Something New

Cornwall Brides (Series)

Rebecca Connolly Author

The Case of the Runaway Reindeer

Jingle Bell Mystery (Series)

Nana Ferrell Author

Terry Gets Lost

Nana Ferrell Author

Love Out of Focus

Rebecca Connolly Author

Terry Learns to Fly

Nana Ferrell Author

Of Mist and Mirrors

Agents of the Convent (Series)

Rebecca Connolly Author

There Is No ME

Jordan P. Lashley Author

Hoppity Floppity Gang in...

Nana Ferrell Author

Not Quite a Spinster

Rebecca Connolly Author

The Case of the Tangled Tinsel

Jingle Bell Mystery (Series)

Nana Ferrell Author

Kit Goes to the Kite Festival

Nana Ferrell Author

Fall of Heroes

Sub-Heroes (Series)

Christopher Bailey Author

Something Borrowed

Cornwall Brides (Series)

Rebecca Connolly Author

Kit Makes a Friend

Nana Ferrell Author