The Ritual Killing and Burial...

Aleksander Pluskowski Editor

Anatolian Interfaces

Billie Jean Collins Author
Mary R. Bachvarova Author


Frances Lynch Author
Mick Sharp Author

Poisonous Plants

Robert Bevan-Jones Author

Radiocarbon and the...

C. Bronk Ramsey Editor
Andrew J. Shortland Editor

The Historic Landscape of Devon

Lucy Ryder Author

Blood Red Roses

Veronica Fiorato Author
Anthea Boylston Author

Bosworth 1485

Glenn Foard Author
Anne Curry Author

Celtic Art in Europe

Christopher Gosden Editor
Sally Crawford Editor

Death and Changing Rituals

J. Rasmus Brandt Editor
Håkon Roland Editor

Textile Production in...

Margarita Gleba Author

Documentary Sources in...

Heather D. Baker Editor
Michael Jursa Editor

Hopewell Ceremonial...

Mark Lynott Author

Gardens and Gardeners of the...

Linda Farrar Author

Norfolk Landscapes

Doug Kennedy Author

On the Fascination of Objects

John Boardman Editor
Andrew Parkin Editor

Roman Military Equipment from...

M. C. Bishop Author
John Coulston Author

Burial and Social Change in...

Elisa Perego Editor
Rafael Scopacasa Editor

An Upland Biography

John Barnatt Author
Bill Bevan Author

Life and Death in Asia Minor...

J. Rasmus Brandt Editor
Erika Hagelberg Editor

Preserved in the Peat

Andy M. Jones Editor


W.M. Flinders Petrie Author

The Drowning of a Cornish...

Andy M. Jones Editor
Michael J. Allen Editor

Corpus of Prehistoric Pottery...

W.M. Flinders Petrie Author

Glass Stamps and Weights

W.M. Flinders Petrie Author

Textiles in Motion

Audrey Gouy Editor

The Submerged Site of La...

Mario Mineo Editor
Juan Gibaja Editor

Tools and Weapons

W.M. Flinders Petrie Author

Sentient Archaeologies

Courtney Nimura Editor
Rebecca O'Sullivan Editor

Commemorating Classical Battles

Brandon Braun Author

Prehistoric Egypt

W.M. Flinders Petrie Author

Ancient Weights and Measures

W.M. Flinders Petrie Author

Celtic from the West

Barry Cunliffe Editor
John T. Koch Editor

Religious Individualisation

Ralph Haeussler Editor
Anthony King Editor

Repeopling La Manche

Matthew Pope Editor
Rebecca Scott Editor

Scarabs and Cylinders (with...

W.M. Flinders Petrie Author

The Archaeology of the Upper...

Kate Steane Author
Margaret Darling Author

The Beaker People

Mike Parker Pearson Editor
Alison Sheridan Editor

The Marriage Bed of Henry VII...

Peter N. Lindfield Editor

Community Archaeology on...

Rob Collins Author
Jane Harrison Author

Fabric of the Frontier

Rob Collins Author
Ian Kille Author

The Archaeology of Wild Birds...

Dale Serjeantson Author


Barrie Hartwell Editor
Sarah Gormley Editor

The Battle of Pinkie, 1547

David Caldwell Author
Vicky Oleksy Author

Ancient Egyptian Figured Ostraca

Anthea Page Other

Illahun, Kahun and Gurob

W.M. Flinders Petrie Author

Naqada and Ballas

W.M. Flinders Petrie Author

Amarna City of Akhenaten and...

Julia Sampson Author
H.S. Smith Author of introduction, etc.

Brick Architecture in Ancient...

A. J. Spencer Author

The Birds of Ancient Egypt

Patrick F. Houlihan Author
Steven M. Goodman Other