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Hobart Papers (Series)

Ralph Harris Author
Arthur Seldon Author

Fifty Economic Fallacies Exposed

Occasional Paper (Series)

Geoffrey E. Wood Author

From Crisis to Confidence

Hobart Papers (Series)

Roger Koppl Author

Selfishness, Greed and...

Hobart Papers (Series)

Christopher Snowdon Author

The Government Debt Iceberg

Research Monograph (Series)

Jagadeesh Gokhale Author

The Itinerant Economist

Russell Jones Author

The Rise of the Reluctant...

Ken Banks Editor
Desmond Tutu Author of introduction, etc.

Waging the War of Ideas

Occasional Paper (Series)

John Blundell Author
Walter E. Williams Author of introduction, etc.

Changing London

David Robinson Author
Will Horwitz Author

Classical Liberalism – a Primer

Readings in Political Economy (Series)

Eamonn Butler Author
Stephen Davies Author of introduction, etc.

Scandinavian Unexceptionalism

Readings in Political Economy (Series)

Nima Sanandaji Author
Tom G. Palmer Author of introduction, etc.

A Better Politics

Perspectives (Series)

Danny Dorling Author
Ella Furness Illustrator

Are Trams Socialist?

Christian Wolmar Author

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

Patrick Minford Editor
J. R. Shackleton Editor

Travel Fast or Smart?

David Metz Author

Before Babylon, Beyond Bitcoin

David Birch Author
Andrew Haldane Author of introduction, etc.

Taxation, Government Spending...

Philip Booth Author
Ryan Bourne Author

The Economics of...

William Easterly Author
Sylvie Aboa-Bradwell Other

The Government Debt Iceberg

Research Monograph (Series)

Jagadeesh Gokhale Author

The Henry Fords of Healthcare

Nima Sanandaji Author

Universal Healthcare without...

Kristian Niemietz Author
John McTernan Author of introduction, etc.

Waging the War of Ideas

Occasional Paper (Series)

John Blundell Author
Walter E. Williams Author of introduction, etc.

Why Study History?

Marcus Collins Author
Peter N. Stearns Author

Working to Rule

J. R. Shackleton Author
Philip Booth Author of introduction, etc.

Why Study Languages?

Gabrielle Hogan-Brun Author


Anthony J. Evans Author

An Introduction to Democracy

Eamonn Butler Author

Catastrophe and Systemic Change

Gill Kernick Author

Our European Future

Maria João Rodrigues Editor
François Balate Editor

Having Your Say

J. R. Shackleton Editor
David S. Oderberg Author

The Sharing Economy

Michael C. Munger Author

Digital Transformation at Scale

Andrew Greenway Author
Ben Terrett Author

Why You Dread Work

Helen Holmes Author

An Introduction to Trade and...

Eamonn Butler Author

Why Free Speech Matters

Jamie Whyte Author

Business Leadership Under Fire

Pepyn Dinandt Author
Richard Westley Author

How to Get Ahead in HR

Kay Maddox-Daines Author

Construction Disputes

Wayne Clark Author

Transport for Humans

Perspectives (Series)

Pete Dyson Author
Rory Sutherland Author

Technology Is Not Neutral

Perspectives (Series)

Stephanie Hare Author

Good to Go? Decarbonising...

Perspectives (Series)

David Metz Author

An Introduction to Economic...

Eamonn Butler Author

Scaling the Heights

Eamonn Butler Author

The Legal Team of the Future

Adam Curphey Author

Notre avenir européen

Maria João Rodrigues Editor

Europe's Social Integration

László Andor Author

The Service Organization

Kate Tarling Author

The Tyranny of Nostalgia

Russell Jones Author

A Heretic's Manifesto

Brendan O'Neill Author

The FAC-1 Framework Alliance...

David Mosey Author