Coalition of the Damned; a...

The Monster Squad (Series)

Book 3

Heath Stallcup Author

Wayward Son; a Monster Squad...

The Monster Squad (Series)

Heath Stallcup Author

Full Moon Rising; a Monster...

The Monster Squad (Series)

Book 2

Heath Stallcup Author

Blood Apocalypse; a Monster...

The Monster Squad (Series)

Book 4

Heath Stallcup Author

Homecoming; a Monster Squad...

The Monster Squad (Series)

Book 5

Heath Stallcup Author

Return of the Phoenix; a...

The Monster Squad (Series)

Book 1

Heath Stallcup Author

Obsessions; a Monster Squad...

The Monster Squad (Series)

Heath Stallcup Author

Specters; a Monster Squad Novel

The Monster Squad (Series)

Book 8

Heath Stallcup Author