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Political Disappointment

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Monkey Trials & Gorilla Sermons

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Experiments in Ethics

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Race Men

The W. E. B. Du Bois Lectures (Series)

Kwame Anthony Appiah Author

Arguing the Just War in Islam

John Kelsay Author
Robert Pavlovich Narrator

Worst-Case Scenarios

Cass R. Sunstein Author
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Does ethics have a chance in...

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Big Enough to Be Inconsistent

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Beautiful Minds

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How Judges Think

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7 Deadly Sins

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Total Cure

Harold S. Luft Author

Total Cure

Harold S. Luft Author
David Henry Narrator

Beautiful Minds

Bearzi Maddalena Author
Kaili Vernoff Narrator

Big Enough to Be Inconsistent

George M. Fredrickson Author
Dick Terhune Narrator

Life and Death in the Third...

Peter Fritzsche Author
Ken Phifer Narrator

How Judges Think

Richard A. Posner Author
Ray Grover Narrator

Does Ethics Have a Chance in...

Zygmunt Bauman Author
Mitchell Leopard Narrator

Loneliness as a Way of Life

Thomas Dumm Author
David Zinn Narrator

7 Deadly Sins

Aviad Kleinberg Author
David Stampone Narrator

The Faithful

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The Great Reversal

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Bring the War Home

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Capital in the Twenty-First...

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Capital and Ideology

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Arthur Goldhammer Translator

The Condemnation of Blackness

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A Brief History of Equality

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In Praise of Failure

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Empire, Incorporated

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The Other Great Game

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Sovereign Funds

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The New Biology

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Babyn Yar

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