轮回 (Reincarnation)

飘沙 Author
蓝鱼 Narrator

夜凝夕 (The Night Eve)

飞烟 Author
爱屋 Narrator

大清一品 (The Grand Secretary of...

张军 Author
嘉伟 Narrator

捕灵人 (Spirit Hunter)

宫三娘 Author
一粒沙白 Narrator

百战成神 (The Seal Breaker)

清风浪尘 Author
淼清涯 Narrator

穿越之偏偏赖定你 (Time Travel:...

蒙太奇 Author
雪儿蜜朵 Narrator

谋杀艺术 (The Art of Murder)

海森 Author
士金 Narrator

万古神石 (Ancient Stone)

吴学华 Author
一念成馍 Narrator

东方朔异世录 (Record of Dong...

星崩 Author
李华龙 Narrator

仙梦尘缘 (Fairy Dreams and Fate...

小鱼人 Author
乌龙 Narrator

你的多情,我的追寻 (The Pursuit of Love)

小魔轻舞 Author
封小妖 Narrator

傲器焚天 (The Mystical Blacksmith...

田青 Author
何其 Narrator

傲神九天 (The Soul Travel of a...

清风浪尘 Author
入目山分 Narrator

寂夜玫瑰 (The Killer Named Rose)

夜默橙 Author
促织 Narrator

我替死人开车那几年 (The Years I Drove...

一颗很逊的卤蛋 Author
陈默 Narrator

游戏仙道 (Play in Fairy)

专属影子 Author
何其 Narrator

特殊案件调查 (Investigation of...

叶莫 Author
爱罗斯之箭 Narrator

神剑决 (Excalibur)

我是AVV Author
大鹏飞翔 Narrator

阴灵不散 (Huanting)

九命猫 Author
蛐蛐 Narrator

三生 (The Three Lives)

金倚清 Author
丶念萧燃 Narrator

不灭剑尊 (Indestructibility...

武行空 Author
蛐蛐 Narrator

不灭王诀 (Trick of Being an...

何三钉 Author
紫木云牙 Narrator