1954 A Landmark Decision

Jacqueline B. Walker Author

Around the World in 1890

Going Global (Series)

Marcia Amidon Lusted Author

Borders, Naturally

Going Global (Series)

Marcia Amidon Lusted Author

Famous Duels

Going Global (Series)

Brian Langdo Author

Foreign Fighters

Going Global (Series)

Marcia Amidon Lusted Author

Ladies and Gentlemen...

Jeremy M. Johnston Author

Leaders of Strength

Going Global (Series)

Marcia Amidon Lusted Author

Other World Leaders

Going Global (Series)

Marcia Amidon Lusted Author

Power of the People!

Going Global (Series)

Marcia Amidon Lusted Author

A Shocking Thing to Do!

Pat Thomas Author
Ben Hodson Illustrator

Building Liberty

Susan Yoder Ackerman Author
Cat Bowman Smith Illustrator

Family Man

Diana Childress Author
David Harrington Illustrator

From Farms to Factories

Marcia Amidon Lusted Author

John Wesley Powell

Jerry Miller Author
Ryan Pancoast Illustrator

Magellan's Madness

Lori Calabrese Author
David Kooharian Illustrator

Stories from Home

Lynn York Author
Janise Gates Illustrator

A Day in the Coal Mines

Emily Johnsen Author

Kids Fight Back

Jill Silos-Rooney Author

Magic Circles

Lana Parker Author
Tim Oliphant Illustrator

Mill Girls

Alicia Z. Klepeis Author
Chris Hsu Illustrator

When Candy Isn't Sweet

Jacqueline Grant Author
Lisa Fields Illustrator

Did the Vikings Discover...

Liz Huyck Author
Thor Wickstrom Illustrator

Pack Your Wagons

Joelle Ziemian Author
Joseph A. Ziemian Illustrator

Riding the First Balloons

David L. Bristow Author
Dave Clark Illustrator

Samuel Peppard and the Wind...

Stephanie M. Bearce Author
Eric Freeberg Illustrator

The Story of Books

Amy Tao Author
Mark Hicks Illustrator

The War of the Currents

Tania Therien Author
Rupert van Wyk Illustrator

Through Children's Eyes

Sandra Weber Author
Mark Mitchell Illustrator

What's for Dinner?

Cyndy Hall Author
Tim Foley Illustrator

A Far-Sighted Look at Glasses

Michael Gerber Author
Arthur Robins Illustrator

Breaking Through

Audrey DeAngelis Author
Lisa Fields Illustrator

City of Immigrants

Barbara Krasner-Khait Author