Vet Among the Pigeons


By Gillian Hick

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Vet Among the Pigeons continues the story of veterinary surgeon Gillian Hick's escapades among the animal population. Although by now, not such a green graduate, the animals and their owners keep her challenged in a way never described in the text books. While based in a mixed animal practice in Wicklow, Gillian also travels regularly to inner city Dublin to work in the Bluecross animal welfare clinic but finds that sometimes the two lives are hard to combine. From dairy cattle to turkey cocks, from lofty equines to the not so lofty, from six foot snakes to snuffling hedgehogs, Gillian encounters it all as she struggles to improve her own skills and justify her place in the veterinary profession, along with the help of an ever expanding young family of her own.
Vet Among the Pigeons