Toddlers Book of Poems

audiobook (Unabridged)

By Jennifer Jones

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Toddlers Book of Poems Audiobook

"Toddlers Book of Poems," by Jennifer Jones, is a fun way to introduce toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarteners to appreciate poetry. Poems include animals that children like to read about.

There's a poem on brushing teeth, a story poem about a spider learning that she's unique, and bedtime poem to help with easier bedtime preparation. Children will enjoy listening to "Toddlers Book of Poems" over and over.

Poems include:


"There Was a Little Spider" — story poem


"Brush My Teeth"



"Time to Sleep"

Bonus: "All About Me" Poem 8.5"x11" printable 300dpi activity sheet

Toddlers Book of Poems