
audiobook (Unabridged) No Fear Shakespeare

By William Shakespeare

cover image of Othello
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SparkNotes Audio presents ... No Fear Shakespeare audio recordings! Listen to full cast performances of Shakespeare's plays in all their brilliance—and understand what every word means!
Don't be intimidated by Shakespeare. These audiobook editions make the Bard's plays accessible and enjoyable.
Each No Fear Shakespeare audio recording audio edition features:
  • The complete original text performed by a full cast, and the complete play updated in modern English, also performed by a full cast
  • Enhanced sound effects and music to complete the audio experience
  • A track directory of the original English production and the modern English production for ease of comparison
  • When Shakespeare's words make your head spin, this audiobook will help you sort out what's happening, who's saying what, and why!
    So without further ado ... we welcome you to the No Fear Shakespeare audiobook edition of OTHELLO by William Shakespeare!