The Secret of St. Claire

audiobook (Unabridged)

By Robin Alexander

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Idyllic, quaint, and straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting is St. Claire, Louisiana—at least on the outside. Beneath the veneer, it's anything but. That's the secret of St. Claire.
Born and raised in St. Claire, Lindsay Juneau's life was seemingly full raising a six-year-old daughter and caring for her widowed mother. Of course, things aren't always what they seem, and the newest resident of St. Claire isn't buying the ruse.
Veterinarian Nicole Allen is looking for something different. She finds it in St. Claire with its hypochondriac rabbits, shotgun-toting shut-ins, and eclectic mix of people. The most alluring, though, is a woman who's also looking for something different.
The Secret of St. Claire