Mayhem In Montreal

audiobook (Unabridged) Case Files of an Urban Druid

By Auburn Tempest

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Ye screw with this lass, ye get put on yer ass.
Welcome to the whacked and weird world of Fiona mac Cumhaill. If you're new to Team Trouble, welcome. If you're back for more—awesomesauce.
In the past two years, I leveled up as a kick-ass urban druid and became the leader of the Fianna Warriors my ancestor Fionn mac Cumhaill needed me to be.
The thing is—four months ago everything changed. The veil between realms came down.
With dormant genes waking, the dominant races jockeying for their place in the hierarchy, and the world around us pulsing out of control with power, my position as the Fae Liaison of Toronto has gotten off to a chaotic start.
Is anyone really surprised?
In her second series, Case Files of an Urban Druid, Fiona brings you more druid adventure, family shenanigans, and mythical tales of magic and mystery.
Mayhem In Montreal