Sleep Wrecked Kids

audiobook (Unabridged) Helping Parents Raise Happy, Healthy Kids, One Sleep at a Time

By Sharon Moore

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Kids often suffer unknowingly from the consequences of sleep problems because their issue is frequently missed or dismissed, by both health professionals and parents.
Sleep disorders are a major public health issue that can kick start a lifetime pattern of health, behavior, and learning problems. From ages four–ten, at least 25 percent of kids have sleep problems. Sleep Wrecked Kids guides parents towards good sleep as the norm, allowing themselves and their children to grow and thrive. Speech pathologist and myofunctional practitioner Sharon Moore teaches parents why "bad sleep" is connected to a myriad of health problems, what "good sleep" actually means, how to identify red flags for sleep problems, how to improve sleep quality by improving airway health, and so much more! Parents are empowered to not only get more sleep themselves, but also to help their children get the sleep they need—every night.
Sleep Wrecked Kids