Linear Tactical Series--Ghost & Shadow

audiobook (Unabridged) Linear Tactical

By Janie Crouch

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The next two audiobooks of the best-selling Linear Tactical Series: Ghost and Shadow.


Sometimes the dead don't stay that way.

Dorian Lindstrom. Military codename: Ghost. He spent five weeks being tortured in an enemy prison because of her.

And now he's the only one who can save her.


How do you defeat an enemy that's inside your head?

Dragging an innocent into his war was never a part of the plan - especially not his Special Forces teammate's sister.

But Heath Kavanaugh lost years of his life working for a covert agency that ended up being the enemy. Knowing they put something inside his head - constant, incomprehensible whispers - is driving him crazy. And Jacquelyn Zimmerman is the only one who can help.

Linear Tactical Series--Ghost & Shadow