The Heaven Answer Book

audiobook (Unabridged)

By Billy Graham

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Billy Graham answers your questions about heaven.
Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. - Revelation 21:1 niv

Billy Graham, one of Christianity's most beloved evangelists, lends his reassuring expertise and a compassionate heart while answering questions about our future and final home. The biblically based Q&A format makes it easy to pinpoint the questions that matter to you most.
With enduring truth and an extensive knowledge of Scripture, Graham answers over 100 thought-provoking questions about heaven. Questions like:

  • Where is heaven?
  • How do we know there is life after death?
  • What do you say to someone who doesn't believe in heaven?
  • Does God let some people have a glimpse of heaven before they die?
  • And many more...

    The Heaven Answer Book