Unscramble Your Numbers

audiobook (Unabridged) Unlock the Secrets to Your Business Cashflow

By Amanda Fisher

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Do you understand your business numbers?
Do you want to grow your business?
Do you want to take control of your business and stop stressing about your cash flow?
Then now is the time to read Unscramble Your Numbers and unravel the mysteries of your numbers.
21st century technology is giving you the tools and providing the numbers instantly from within your accounting system. There has never been a better time to understand the figures, the graphs and numbers that your cloud system is showing you.
In this book you will learn:
– why cloud accounting systems are essential
– what reports you should be reviewing weekly and monthly
– the difference between a budget and a cash flow forecast
– the 5 Key Performance Indicators you should be focusing on
– the importance of setting written financial goals
– why accountability and advice is imperative to improving your numbers
The definitive Step by Step Guide to Understanding Business Cash Flow and Financial Reporting for Better Decisions.
Unscramble Your Numbers