
audiobook (Abridged) A Summary of the Play

By Various

cover image of Othello
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Shakespeare's Othello is a heart-wrenching tale of evil and betrayal; it is the first of Shakespeare's great series of tragedies and history plays. The exotic Moor Othello and his beloved Desdemona are thrown into a mesh of intrigue and matters of the state; their strong love would overcome all of it, were it not for Iago. Trusted by his master Othello, he is actually seeking vengeance against him, and has vowed to destroy the Moor of Venice in the worst possible manner. Through insinuations about Desdemona's infidelity, Iago manages to draw Othello deeper and deeper into his schemes, until a horrific escalation quickly brings the play to a terrible end. This lively adaptation is a convenient summary meant to bring to you Shakespeare's magic in an actual, clear and precise way; recorded by the greatest storytellers, it will bring to you the fundamentals of English culture in a most enjoyable format.
