Dr. Maniac Vs Robby Schwartz

audiobook (Unabridged) Goosebumps Horrorland Series, Book 5 · Goosebumps HorrorLand

By R. L. Stine

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It's a whole new ride from master of horror and bestselling author R.L. Stine—with a story so fiendish that it can't be contained in just one book!

Robby creates comic strips on his computer. His favorite creation is Dr. Maniac, weird and wicked supervillan.. Dr. Maniac isn't a real doctor, but he sure is a maniac! And now Dr. Maniac is on the loose . . . in the real world!Meanwhile, seven ordinary kids are now trapped in the popular theme park called HorrorLand. Can Robby survive long enoguh to find a save them? A hairy situation awaits in Werewolf Village...
Dr. Maniac Vs Robby Schwartz