From Slavery to the Stars

audiobook (Unabridged)

By Andreea Kindryd

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This story is a tapestry woven with threads of resilience, love, and adventure. It's about
more than working on the original Star Trek or her slave ancestor's love story; it's a journey
through history, loss, and triumph.
Andreea has walked alongside giants, and mourned the loss of friends like Malcolm
X and Martin Luther King. She has navigated the complexities of love and faced the
challenges of breaking through the glass ceiling. She has fulfilled her dreams now and makes
her home on the other side of the world, living under the stars of the Southern Cross
in Australia.
Her story is a celebration of human resilience, a testament to the beauty of diversity, and a
reminder of our shared journey on this planet. It's a firsthand account of remarkable people
who changed the world, seen through her unique and personal lens.
A must-read for those who crave a story that both enlightens and entertains.
From Slavery to the Stars