Digital Class Sets in Sora

Digital Class Sets in Sora

Deliver fast, affordable access to curriculum reading with Class Sets in Sora!

Class Sets are short-term ebook rentals available through OverDrive Marketplace, Sora’s shopping and administrative portal. Assign or provide titles on-demand to as many students as needed, with no minimum or maximum limit.


Class Sets are more cost-effective than purchasing titles outright and a great way to supply your students the required reads they need, exactly when they need them.



Stay current with trending titles.



Get students books within 24 hours.



Cost-per-student starts at $0.99.

Equitable Access

Equitable Access

Books are available on any device.

Reimagine required reading

What does your classroom's to-be-read list look like? Are there books you'd like to add to your lesson plan but don't have time or budget to support in print? Find out how Class Sets can change your approach to your students' curriculum reading with our helpful infographic. Plus, see how districts like Franklin County Schools (NC) are using Class Sets every day to fill gaps in their curriculum.

Class Set Examples

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Get Started With Sora

“On-Demand (Digital) Class Set rentals significantly increase our capacity to be responsive to district-wide curriculum needs. They’re a smart, responsible use of our curriculum budget dollars. In short, they’re a game-changer!”

Suzi Tonini

Denver Public Schools (CO)

Which Class Set model works best for you?

Sora offers two different ways to provide Class Sets to students in Marketplace*. Check out the chart below to determine which might work best for your needs.

Class Sets

How it works:

  • Assign books to a specific group
  • Give users access for 90 days from a set start date

Best option when

  • You only want specific user groups to access the book at a certain time

Great for:

  • Required classroom reading
  • Small book clubs
  • Providing books to a specific student or group of students as needed

On-Demand Class Sets

How it works:

  • No assigning required; students borrow titles in Sora as needed
  • Users have access for 90 days from the date they borrow the book

Best option when

  • You’re not sure who will need the book or when

Great for:

  • Required classroom reading
  • Choice curriculum reading
  • All-school or all-grade reads

*To browse Class Sets, users must have an OverDrive Marketplace account. Questions about how to get started? Contact your Sora team or