Motivi "proverki" i...

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Yulia Liderman Author
Evgeny Margolit Author of introduction, etc.

Borderlands into Bordered...

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Tatiana Zhurzhenko Author
Andreas Umland Other

Meeting Places of...

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Thomas Borén Author
Thomas Borén Author

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Elisa Kriza Author
Andreas Umland Other

Bild Lücke Deutschland

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Katja Grupp Author
Martin Schulz Other

Migrant Friendships in a...

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Darya Malyutina Author
Darya Malyutina Author

Wandering Workers

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Juri Plusnin Author
Andreas Umland Other

Language Policy and Discourse...

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Michael Moser Author
Michael Moser Author

The New Third Rome

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Jardar Østbø Author
Andreas Umland Other

Towards a New Russian Work...

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Vladimir Karacharovskiy Author
Ovsey Shkaratan Author

Mass Media in the Post-Soviet...

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Marlene Laruelle Author
Peter Rollberg Author

Journal of Soviet and...

Julie Fedor Editor
Samuel Greene Editor

Journal of Soviet and...

Julie Fedor Editor
Samuel Greene Editor

Higher Education in...

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Gary Hazeldine Author
A. Salem Author

Changes in the Heart of Europe

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Timothy McCajor Hall Editor
Rosie Read Editor

Cultural Politics of Ethnicity

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Vera Sokolova Author
Andreas Umland Other

Das touristische Potenzial...

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Peter Koller Author
Andreas Umland Other

Die ethnische Dimension der...

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Sonja Schüler Author
Anton Sterbling Author of introduction, etc.

Die Hochschultransformation...

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Christine Teichmann Author
Andreas Umland Other

Ethnic Belonging, Gender, and...

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Ulrike Ziemer Author
Andreas Umland Other

Europa und die Frage nach...

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Vietor Marcel Author
Andreas Umland Other

Nation, Region and History in...

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Peter W Rodgers Author
Peter W Rodgers Author

Postsowjetische Feiern

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Florian Mühlfried Author
Florian Mühlfried Author

Rocking St....

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

David-Emil Wickström Author
David-Emil Wickström Author


Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Oleg Riabov Author
Oleg Riabov Author

Vaterland, Sprache, Glaube....

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Eva Fuchslocher Author
Andreas Umland Other

Wer sind die Moldawier?

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Stefan Ihrig Author
Holm Sundhaussen Author of introduction, etc.

Zeichen setzen für Europa....

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Bernd Kappenberg Author
Andreas Umland Other

When the Future Came

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Li Bennich-Björkman Editor
Sergiy Kurbatov Editor

On the Verge of History

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (Series)

Izabella Agardi Author
Andreas Umland Other

The War that Changed Us

Ukrainian Voices (Series)

Book 2022

Kateryna Pylypchuk Author
Andreas Umland Other

Women of Ukraine

Ukrainian Voices (Series)

Anna Romandash Author
Andreas Umland Other

A Kind of Refugee

Ukrainian Voices (Series)

Larissa Babij Author
Andreas Umland Other

Russlands "neuer Adel"

Ulf Walther Author
Andreas Umland Other