Dialectical Behavior Therapy...

Linda A. Dimeff Editor
Shireen L. Rizvi Editor

Doing Dialectical Behavior...

Guides to Individualized Evidence-Based Treatment (Series)

Kelly Koerner Author
Marsha M. Linehan Author of introduction, etc.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy...

Alec L. Miller Author
Jill H. Rathus Author

DBT Skills Training Manual

Marsha M. Linehan Author

DBT Skills Training Handouts...

Marsha M. Linehan Author

Changing Behavior in DBT

Heidi L. Heard Author
Michaela A. Swales Author

Mindfulness and Acceptance

Steven C. Hayes Editor
Victoria M. Follette Editor

Managing Suicidal Risk: a...

David A. Jobes Author
Marsha M. Linehan Author of introduction, etc.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy...

Debra L. Safer Author
Christy F. Telch Author

DBT Principles in Action

Charles R. Swenson Author
Marsha M. Linehan Author of introduction, etc.


Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders (Series)

Marsha M. Linehan Author