公鸡“妈妈” / The Rooster "Mama"

World Chinese Graded Readers: Level 4 (Series)

Bing Ge Author
Kaiyun Xu Illustrator

变变猴 / The Di-Da Monkey

World Chinese Graded Readers: Level 5 (Series)

Bing Bai Author
Kaiyun Xu Illustrator

叭叭狗 / The Bang-Bang Dog

World Chinese Graded Readers: Level 4 (Series)

Bing Bai Author
Kaiyun Xu Illustrator

小猪胖嘟嘟进城 / Plumpy the Little...

World Chinese Graded Readers: Level 5 (Series)

Bo Jin Author
Kaiyun Xu Illustrator

小老鼠吱吱 / The Little Mouse Cheeky

World Chinese Graded Readers: Level 5 (Series)

Bo Jin Author
Kaiyun Xu Illustrator

快乐的绵羊 / The Happy Sheep

World Chinese Graded Readers: Level 5 (Series)

Bing Ge Author
Kaiyun Xu Illustrator

我不! / I Won't!

World Chinese Graded Readers: Level 2 (Series)

Mao Xiao Author
Kaiyun Xu Illustrator

提琴牛 / The Violin Cow

World Chinese Graded Readers: Level 5 (Series)

Bing Bai Author
Kaiyun Xu Illustrator

棍棍蛇 / The Sticky Snake

World Chinese Graded Readers: Level 5 (Series)

Bing Bai Author
Kaiyun Xu Illustrator

洗四十双袜子的小波波熊 / Bobby the...

World Chinese Graded Readers: Level 5 (Series)

Qiusheng Zhang Author
Kaiyun Xu Illustrator

种草莓的兔子 / The Rabbit Who...

World Chinese Graded Readers: Level 4 (Series)

Hongbo Gao Author
Kaiyun Xu Illustrator

笑笑虎 / The Ha-Ha Tiger

World Chinese Graded Readers: Level 5 (Series)

Hongbo Gao Author
Kaiyun Xu Illustrator

糖果龙 / The Candy Dragon

World Chinese Graded Readers: Level 5 (Series)

Bing Bai Author
Kaiyun Xu Illustrator

野猫的城市 / The City of the Wild Cat

World Chinese Graded Readers: Level 5 (Series)

Anonymous Author
Kaiyun Xu Illustrator

鲜花马 / The Horse Covered in...

World Chinese Graded Readers: Level 5 (Series)

Bing Bai Author
Kaiyun Xu Illustrator

青蛙与蜗牛 / The Frog and the Snail

World Chinese Graded Readers: Level 4 (Series)

Mao Xiao Author
Kaiyun Xu Illustrator