Escape from the Dungeons of...

Bonkers (Series)

Patrick Carman Author
André Santana Narrator

The Superteacher Project

Gordon Korman Author
Andrew J. Andersen Narrator

Stuntboy, In-Between Time

Stuntboy (Series)

Jason Reynolds Author
Guy Lockard Narrator

Seven Minutes in Candyland

Brian Wasson Author
André Santana Narrator

You Only Call When You're in...

Stephen McCauley Author
André Santana Narrator

Attack of the Forty-Foot Chicken

Bonkers (Series)

Patrick Carman Author
André Santana Narrator

The Breakup Artists

Adriana Mather Author
Booboo Stewart Illustrator

Elvis Is Missing #1

The Outer Space Mystery Pizza Club (Series)

Bruce Hale Author
André Santana Narrator

Grunthar's Revenge #2

The Outer Space Mystery Pizza Club (Series)

Bruce Hale Author
André Santana Narrator

New Nigeria County

Clare Brown Author
Clare Brown Narrator