The Adventures of Huckleberry...

Mark Twain Author
W. Bill Czolgosz Author

Canibalismo en los vagones...

Flash Relatos (Series)

Mark Twain Author

Tingling Treats for Halloween

Edgar Allan Poe Author
Arthur Conan Doyle Author

Box Set--The Greatest Ghost...

Leonid Andreyev Author
Cynthia Asquith Author

Halloween Boxed Set

Edgar Allan Poe Author
H. P. Lovecraft Author

Supernatural Mysteries

Théophile Gautier Author
Edgar Allan Poe Author

Horror Classics

Arthur Machen Author
H. P. Lovecraft Author

Must-Read Halloween Books

H. P. Lovecraft Author
Edgar Allan Poe Author

Horror Anthology

Wilhelm Hauff Author
Charles Dickens Author