Involuntary Heroes

Mitchell F. Crusto Author

Tribal Justice

Frank Pommersheim Author

Oregon Rules of Civil...

Publisher's Editorial Staff Author

The Wrongful Convictions Reader

Russell D. Covey Author
Valena E. Beety Author

Fix It

Kenneth Imo Author

The New Frontiers of Civil...

Michele Alexandre Author

Oregon Rules of Civil...

Publisher's Editorial Staff Author

Illegal Drug and Marijuana Law

Alex Kreit Author

A Warren Court of Our Own

Mark A. Davis Author

LexisNexis Civil Rights &...

James A. Rapp Author

LexisNexis Civil Rights &...

Valarie K. Blake Author

Halsbury's Laws of Canada --...

Soma Ray-Ellis Author

Current Issues in...

Sarah E. Ricks Author
Evelyn M. Tenebaum Author

Oregon Rules of Civil...

Publisher's Editorial Staff Author

Race Law

F. Michael Higginbotham Author

Tragedy on Trial

Ronald K. L. Collins Author

Utmost Resistance

Amy Vorenberg Author
Jessica Durkis-Stokes Author

Because of Our Success

Kevin Brown Author