Engineering IT-Enabled...

Power Electronics and Power Systems (Series)

Marija Ilic Editor
Le Xie Editor

Inter-area Oscillations in...

Power Electronics and Power Systems (Series)

Arturo Roman Messina Editor

Synchronized Phasor...

Power Electronics and Power Systems (Series)

A.G. Phadke Author
J.S. Thorp Author

Analysis and Damping Control...

Power Electronics and Power Systems (Series)

Haifeng Wang Author
Wenjuan Du Author

Electromagnetic Modelling of...

Power Electronics and Power Systems (Series)

J.A. Ferreira Author

Operation of Restructured...

Power Electronics and Power Systems (Series)

Kankar Bhattacharya Author
Math H.J. Bollen Author

Reliability Assessment of...

Power Electronics and Power Systems (Series)

Roy Billinton Author
Ronald N. Allan Author

Three-Phase Diode Rectifiers...

Power Electronics and Power Systems (Series)

Predrag Pejovic Author

Applied Mathematics for...

Power Electronics and Power Systems (Series)

Joe H. Chow Editor
Felix F. Wu Editor

Computational Techniques for...

Power Electronics and Power Systems (Series)

Venkataramana Ajjarapu Author

Digital Control of Electrical...

Power Electronics and Power Systems (Series)

Slobodan N. Vukosavic Author

Robust Power System Frequency...

Power Electronics and Power Systems (Series)

Hassan Bevrani Author