The Story of the...

Graphic History (Series)

Ryan Jacobson Author
Cynthia Martin Illustrator

The Story of the Statue of...

Graphic History (Series)

Xavier Niz Author

The Voyage of the Mayflower

Graphic History (Series)

Allison Lassieur Author
Peter McDonnell Illustrator

Winter at Valley Forge

Graphic History (Series)

Matt Doeden Author
Ron Frenz Illustrator

Young Riders of the Pony Express

Graphic History (Series)

Jessica Gunderson Author
Brian Bascle Illustrator

The Building of the...

Graphic History (Series)

Nathan Olson Author
Richard Dominquez Illustrator

The Sinking of the Titanic

Graphic History (Series)

Matt Doeden Author
Charles Barnett III Illustrator

The Story of the Statue of...

Graphic History (Series)

Cynthia Martin Illustrator
Brent Schoonover Illustrator

Buffalo Soldiers and the...

Graphic History (Series)

Jason Glaser Author
Tod Smith Illustrator

Paul Revere's Ride

Graphic History (Series)

Brian Bascle Illustrator
Xavier W. Niz Author

The Battle of the Alamo

Graphic History (Series)

Matt Doeden Author
Charles Barnett III Illustrator

The Salem Witch Trials

Graphic History (Series)

Brian Bascle Illustrator
Michael J. Martin Author

Harriet Tubman and the...

Graphic History (Series)

Dave Hoover Illustrator
Bill Anderson Illustrator

Rosa Parks and the Montgomery...

Graphic History (Series)

Dan Kalal Illustrator
Connie Colwell Miller Author

The Creation of the U.S....

Graphic History (Series)

Michael Burgan Author
Gordon Purcell Illustrator

Harriet Tubman and the...

Graphic History (Series)

Anonymous Narrator
Dave Hoover Illustrator

The Boston Tea Party

Graphic History (Series)

Matt Doeden Author
Anonymous Narrator

The Creation of the U.S....

Graphic History (Series)

Michael Burgan Author
Anonymous Narrator

The Lewis and Clark Expedition

Graphic History (Series)

Jessica Gunderson Author
Anonymous Narrator

The Sinking of the Titanic

Graphic History (Series)

Matt Doeden Author
Anonymous Narrator

Winter at Valley Forge

Graphic History (Series)

Matt Doeden Author
Anonymous Narrator

The Building of the...

Graphic History (Series)

Nathan Olson Author
Richard Dominquez Illustrator

The Curse of King Tut's Tomb

Graphic History (Series)

Michael Burgan Author
Barbara Schulz Illustrator

The Lewis and Clark Expedition

Graphic History (Series)

Jessica Gunderson Author
Steve Erwin Illustrator

The Mystery of the Roanoke...

Graphic History (Series)

Shannon Denton Illustrator
Xavier W. Niz Author

The Salem Witch Trials

Graphic History (Series)

Brian Bascle Illustrator
Michael J. Martin Author

The Story of Jamestown

Graphic History (Series)

Eric Braun Author
Steve Erwin Illustrator

Winter at Valley Forge

Graphic History (Series)

Matt Doeden Author
Ron Frenz Illustrator

The California Gold Rush

Graphic History (Series)

Joe Dunn Author
Robert Rance Narrator

The Boston Tea Party

Graphic History (Series)

Matt Doeden Author
Charles Barnett III Illustrator