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名家名作精选:林语堂散文 (Selected...

林语堂 (Lin Yutang) Author
彬彬 (Bin Bin) Editor


金文泉(Jin Wenquan) Author
李广周(Li Guangzhou) Author

英语谚语5000条 (5000 English...

郑家顺 (Zheng Jiashun) Author

中国奇风异俗 (Chinese Exotic Customs)

徐杰舜 (Xu Jieshun) Author
徐桂兰 (Xu Guilan) Author

精讲精练日语文法 (Picked Presentation...

金莲姬 (Jin Lianji) Author

英语语法自学指导:练习、答案、解释 (Self-study...

黄和斌 (Huang Hebin) Author
戴秀华 (Dai Xiuhua) Author

禅里禅外看人生 (Look at Life Through...

宋天天 (Song Tiantian) Author

雪晴塞上 (诗论卷) (Beyond the Great...

韩长征 (Han Changzheng) Author

北美新华文文学 (New Chinese...

陈涵平 (ChenHanping) Author

商务英语写作100主题 (100 Topics for...

史范隽 (Shi Fanjun) Author

太极养生功 (Tai Ji for Health)

陈正雷 (Chen Zhenglei) Author
岳黎明 (Yue Liming) Author

胡桃树丫丫 (Walnut Tree Yaya)

雷旦旦 (LeiDandan) Author

《资治通鉴》一读就懂 (Understand While...

王晓梅 (WangXiaomei) Author
赵玉娟(ZhaoYujuan) Editor

局 (The Story of a Transgender...

查舜 (ZhaShun) Author

母亲的档案 (Files of a Mother)

朱俊玲 (ZhuJunling) Author

红楼梦全解本 (The Complete...

〔清〕曹雪芹 (CaoXueqin) Author
裴效维(PeiXiaowei) Illustrator

网络写手名家100(100 Well-known...

聂庆璞 (Nie Qingpu) Author

网络文学名篇100(100 Network...

曾繁亭 (Zeng Fanting) Author

道德经 (Dao De Jing of Laozi)

老子 (Lao Tzu) Author
黎重(LiZhong) Editor

冰心文选 (Selected Works by Bing...

王炳根 (Wang Binggen) Author

名家名作精选:张爱玲小说 (Selection of...

张爱玲 (Zhang Ailing) Author
彬彬 (Bin Bin) Editor

乒乓球快速入门与提高 (Quick Grasp and...

朱为民 (Zhu Weimin) Author
方云峰 (Fang Yunfeng) Author

剩女无敌 (Emotional Psychology)

六六 (Liu Liu) Author

小食物,大疗效 (Small Food with Big...

叶学益 (Ye Xueyi) Author

食疗处方百科大全 (Encyclopedia of...

陈开元 (Chen Kaiyuan) Author

图说汉字 (Illustration of Chinese...

戴赋(Dai Bin) Author

红袋鼠婴幼儿百科(双语版)·第一辑 Red...

《幼儿画报》图书编辑部 Author

红楼梦 (Dream of Red Mansions)

<清> 曹雪芹 Author

1937年的爱情(Love in 1937)

叶兆言 Author

京门脸子(Portal to Beijing)

刘绍棠 Author

天瓢(Heavy Rain)

曹文轩 Author


韩少功 Author


麦家 Author

长恨歌(Song of Regret)

王安忆 Author


贾平凹 Author