The Diviners

Margaret Laurence Author
Timothy Findley Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

A Bird in the House

Margaret Laurence Author
Isabel Huggan Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

A Jest of God

Margaret Laurence Author
Margaret Atwood Author of afterword, colophon, etc.


Adele Wiseman Author
Margaret Laurence Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

The Fire-Dwellers

Margaret Laurence Author
Sylvia Fraser Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

This Side Jordan

Margaret Laurence Author
George Woodcock Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

The Stone Angel

Manawka (Series)

Margaret Laurence Author
Adele Wiseman Author of afterword, colophon, etc.

A Jest of God

Margaret Laurence Author
Christine Horne Narrator

The Stone Angel

Margaret Laurence Author
Maggie Huculak Narrator