The Prison-Ship Adventure of...

History's Kid Heroes (Series)

Marty Rhodes Figley Author
Richard Pimentel Carbajal Illustrator

John Greenwood's Journey to...

History Speaks (Series)

Marty Rhodes Figley Author
Craig Orback Illustrator

Salvar a la Campana de la...

On My Own History (Series)

Marty Rhodes Figley Author
Kevin Lepp Illustrator

President Lincoln, Willie...

History Speaks (Series)

Marty Rhodes Figley Author
David Riley Illustrator

Clara Morgan and the Oregon...

History Speaks (Series)

Marty Rhodes Figley Author
Craig Orback Illustrator

The Prairie Adventure of...

History's Kid Heroes (Series)

Marty Rhodes Figley Author
Richard Pimentel Carbajal Illustrator