
audiobook (Unabridged)

By Tarah DeWitt

cover image of Rootbound
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Despite her divorce, the absence of a pet, not having any genuine connections with other humans (apart from her sister Ava), and the fact that the remainder of her family is estranged from her life, Tait Logan is happy . . . Happy-adjacent, at least. She's rebuilt herself through her photography; her dream career, the one thing she does still have.
So, when that career contracts her to do an assignment on her estranged family's home, Logan Range—a now famous ranch functioning as the setting for a popular show—she's left with no choice but to agree.
Henry Marcum has dedicated his life to the Logan family and to their ranch. He owes them for raising him, rescuing him, and for his life's purpose and opportunities. So, when Tait Logan shows up after years of near silence, he takes it upon himself to protect the people he knows and loves.
It's a rocky start when Tait and Henry first collide; he is naturally wary of her intentions, and she is perturbed by their literal collision—which results in her broken camera.
They're thrown off balance by their growing feelings for one another, and by the story of the Logan family as it becomes increasingly less clear from their perspectives.