Enjoy free ebooks, audiobooks, and streaming videos with these apps by OverDrive
Explore your public library’s digital collection and start reading with only a few taps.
Get LibbySora
Discover and read ebooks and audiobooks offered by your school, whether it’s for class or for fun.
Download SoraBest Software 2019
Best Apps 2018
Best Apps 2017
2019 AASL Crystal Apple Recipient
2019 Smart Media Award
What people are saying…
It is useful if you want to read or just listen. And it has many categories to choose from and so many different books. I highly recommend this app. Also, it is ad free!
Davis Family
Amazing, i just spend days reading ,its ssoo cool 😍🤗🤩😘🤩
Narasimha Vaka
Love love love the app. Have yet to have an issue. No way I'd survive long trips without it!
Palacios Family
I absolutely love Libby. It's been amazing using it while driving, at the gym or other places where actually holding the book isn't ideal
G. Wilson
I love being able to borrow books rather than buying them! Good selection
Linda Smith
Love using this app for audio books from the library.
Trudy Conway